

A: You can request a card by calling the Office of 校友 Engagement at 973-655-4141 or by filling out the 更新个人资料表格. If you plan to come to campus to use facilities such as Sprague Library, or the Computer Lab located on the fifth floor of 大学 Hall, 您还需要获得 校园照片身份证  (收取5美元的小额费用.以支付卡的费用). The 校园照片身份证 is issued by the ID Card Office in the Student Center. You must bring your printed alumni ID Card with you to the ID Card Office as proof of your alumni status.

请注意:在事件中, 你的带照片的身份证丢了, 偷来的, 或损坏, 更换费是20美元.00美元办一张新卡.

身份证办事处地址 & 小时

  • 星期一至星期五上午8:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.
  • 学生中心一楼(电脑室后面)

您可以通过我们的网站更新您的信息 在线表单 或者通过签名 十大博彩推荐排名连接. To request any official changes such as name or address, please contact the Office of Advancement Services at advancementservices@jinken-fukuoka.com.

Q: How do I announce my news or accomplishments for classmates to see?
A: To have your entry 公司luded in a future Class Notes section of 十大博彩推荐排名, the magazine of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, please submit your class notes to: classnotes@jinken-fukuoka.com. Be sure to 公司lude your full name, year of graduation, and daytime phone number. You may also visit our website to learn other ways to 分享你的新闻.

Q: What career resources are available to me as a graduate?
A: Many career resources are available to you for life. We invite you to take advantage of our range of resources and services. 参观 职业生涯资源 page to learn about career counseling, view recorded workshops and webinars, and more.

A: Official transcripts may be requested through the 全国学生信息交流中心 通过两种方法(见下文). Students may request their transcript 24 hours a day. For full details on the transcript services available, please visit the 请求记录.

  1. Electronic delivery (eTranscript) – sent via a secure certified official PDF format within 24 hours to the 电子邮件 address you indicate through the 全国学生信息交流中心. 请注意这里有3美元.90 processing fee for each recipient’s 电子邮件 address you indicate. **The electronic option is not available to students who attended the university prior to 1990. 你必须要求一份标准的邮寄成绩单.**
  2. Standard Mail – The transcript will be mailed via regular first-class US Postal Service within 72 hours of receipt. 这是5美元.75手续费.

If you have any questions about our transcript services, please contact 红鹰中心 支持.

问:我的文凭丢了. 我怎样才能申请换货呢?
A: 校友 can order a replacement diploma easily online at 外交 收费11美元.68英镑加上运费和处理费. You will be able to choose Standard Delivery or Express Overnight. Your diploma will be printed and mailed to you within one to two business days. For more information, about obtaining a replacement diploma click 在这里.

Q: Does 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 provide 电子邮件 addresses for alumni?
A: 校友 have access to a free permanent 电子邮件 account that NEVER changes and is affiliated with 十大博彩推荐排名州立. 要创建您的帐户,请登录十大博彩推荐排名连接 并访问 Gmail生活页面.

A:你可以查独家新闻 校友目录 在蒙特克来连接 姓名、年级、专业、公司等等. 您也可以提交您的 “找一个朋友” 的要求 电子邮件 或者通过呼叫 973-655-4141.

Please note that the privacy of our alumni is very important to us and we have a strict policy regarding inquiries. We do not release personal information about our graduates. 然而, if we have current contact information for the person you are trying to find, we are happy to send an 电子邮件 or a letter on your behalf with your contact information. This gives them the opportunity to contact you if they wish, while still maintaining their privacy.

A: All visitors to campus are directed to park in the Red Hawk Parking Deck for a nominal hourly fee. 红鹰甲板位于苏珊A号的左边. 卡塞尔剧院附近的科尔大厅. A campus shuttle bus is available to take you from the deck to your campus destination. If you have any questions about parking on campus, please see the 停车服务 呼出或呼叫 973-655-5223.

校友 parking permits allow parking in any Commuter Lot between 6:00 a.m. – 3:30 a.m. 和19号地块(无米空间),从早上5:30开始.m. – 7:30 a.m. 下午4点.m. – 3:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. 周六和周日全天都有停车场. An 校友 ID is required to obtain this permit and the cost for the permit is $25 per semester. Must not be registered for any class in the current semester. Permit is valid until the end of the current semester. 获取许可,请联系 停车服务.

Q: As a graduate of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, can I use the recreational facilities on campus?
A: 校友 can take advantage of the faculty/staff membership rate to the state-of-the art Student Recreation Center on campus. The recreation center features a variety of collaborative recreational offerings, 包括健身和团体运动, 校内的运动, 特别活动, 校外旅行, 体育运动俱乐部, 共同赞助等等. For membership information and Recreation Center 小时, please visit the 康乐中心网站.

A: 校友 interested in purchasing a class ring can contact Dave Handal ’86, 区域经理, 纪念品牌, 公司., at 贝尔福.

Q: How do I make a gift to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学?
A: 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 can accept gifts via many different methods. 网上赠送和邮寄礼物是最常见的. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 给页面. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的安全在线捐赠表格 给页面 制作礼物最简单快捷的方法是什么.

问:我在一家婚配礼品公司工作. How do I secure a matching gift for 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学?
A: Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable donations made by their employees. Employer matching gifts can double or even triple your own contribution to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学! To find out if your employer has a matching gift policy, please visit our 给网站.

Q: Can I choose w在这里 I want my gift to be designated?
是的. 而无限制的资金总是需要的, many alumni choose to designate a gift to any department, 大学, 奖学金基金, 或其他学术课程. You can choose to designate your online gift or contact the Office of Annual 给 at 973-655-7492 or giving@jinken-fukuoka.com.